Now that you know the basics about PayPal, let’s talk about the errors we face when the payment can’t be transferred and the solutions to avoid them.
1. “Payment pending” - This is likely a result of incomplete account set-up. Checking your PayPal account and update or add any information that may be missing or outdated would prevent a similar situation in the future. Once the account is updated the payment should go through automatically.
2. Payment stuck as “UNCLAIMED” - Payments stuck as Unclaimed usually could mean one of the following:
- the account holder did not sign up for a PayPal account or did not complete the registration process
- the account holder is an International member who did not manually accept or refuse the payment
- the account holder has set up their account in such a way that payments must be manually confirmed when they come in
- some information on the profile (usually related to the credit card) is outdated and needs to be updated
- also, testing is a service and we pay it as “Goods and Services”, not personal payments. Please keep in mind that you have to set your account to receive money for goods and services as well, otherwise PayPal will not allow the payment transfer.
3. “Account restricted”: a setting has to be changed in the PayPal profile
Unfortunately, in most of the cases we can’t see the exact reasons why the payment was blocked, but only the error message, so the solution is in your hands. It is your duty to check your profile and update it whenever the case.
4. “No payment source available for fees” - As mentioned, PayPal charges business money transfers on both ends. Due to this, we strongly recommend to have an amount of money in your account to cover the fees when receiving money, otherwise, the transfer will be failed.
Note, that if the above issues are not solved in 30 days by the account holder, the payment will return to us.
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